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In April, all the Year 5 classes across different schools in Ryde were asked to take part in a Heritage Horticulture Project.

The project was set up by Mike Fitt, (the queen's ex gardener who now lives in Ryde) in collaboration with Monkton Arts, IW council and Community Rail Partnership. 


Jenna Sabine from Monkton Arts sent us a Video lesson to watch, explaining all about Victorian plant collectors,

and how they designed their ornamental flowerbeds to make the most impact and show pictorial designs. 


Each school had a "Continent " of the world that their designs had to depict and there were materials provided to inspire

the pupils. Dover Park had the continent of Europe to use as inspiration for our designs.

The pupils then had to draw their designs on a mosaic type grid in the shape of the flowerbed, specifying which colours of

flowers should be used where. 


The winner is going to have their design planted up in Eastern Gardens in Ryde and go on a visit to Osborne House to see

the Victorian potting sheds. All the pupils' designs have been on exhibition in Monkton Arts.


Dover Park Winners were: 3rd place design was Amelia Skyrme, 2nd place was Daisy Williams and 1st place was

Harry Frimley.


A prize presentation was held on Tuesday the 15th of June on Ryde Esplanade, pictures can been seen above.


Dover Park also won the Best School Award! 


Well done everyone for all your efforts!



Heritage Horticulture Project

Shift It Winners

IOW School jumps from RI to GOOD

Ryde In Bloom

Children from Dover Park Primary School were proud to accept an award from Ryde Town Council at a recent celebration event at Ryde Esplanade Hotel.

The school received a Highly Commended for the Pride Garden they entered into ‘Ryde in Bloom’ back in the summer term. Well done to Mrs Meredith and her 'team'.

School Receives Active Travel Bronze Award

Dover Park Primary School are one of the first schools to achieve their Bronze Award as part of the 'Shift It' Active Travel Programme. The school worked with stakeholders to install a brand new scooter and bike storage area to encourage pupils to 'get active' on their way to school. The school is hoping to achieve the Silver level by the end of the year.

This term children in year 5 and 6 are taking  Bikeability L2 training so that they learn how to stay safe when riding their bikes to school. 

School Room in a Care Home

The reception children have been involved in a very exciting project during the summer term. Each week 10 of them have visited residents at Cornelia Heights residential home and during their visit they have engaged in a range of activities. The residents have loved seeing the children and each week the children have had lunch with them. The project was run by independent arts and as the project progressed we saw very early on that the children became accepting, tolerant and compassionate with the elderly residents, all necessary skills for ensuring a caring and inclusive society. This has been a worthwhile project, the children and residents have really enjoyed this. Information about the project has recently been published in a national care home magazine. 

Saving the planet and improving our Health

A large number of staff, parents and children left their cars at home and walked, scooted or cycled to school today. Children across the school took part with a fantastic 96% families supporting the day . Well done to all.

Southern Water

Young and Old Bond
