Welcome to our Year 3 class page!
Mrs Newnham, Mrs Cooper, Mrs Parker and Ms Baker are here to help you learn.
Follow the links below to see what we have been learning about.
Parents, please explore the links below to find resources that will help you to support your child with their learning.
Class Information:
- Home learning is given out every Thursday and is due back the following Tuesday. This year, home learning will be set weekly to the specific learning needs of the children. Tasks set will alternate between Maths and English and will be linked to learning they have had that week. It is expected that children will also read daily and practise their times tables on TTRS.
- Reading should be as often as possible. This may include your school reading book or a book from home. Please remember to record this in your reading record so we can see all your fantastic reading. Reading books can be changed on Tuesdays and Fridays- as long as there has been evidence in their reading records that they have read the book.
- PE is Tuesday afternoons. Please make sure you wear your PE kit to school and bring a water bottle to stay hydrated during the session.
As always, if you have any questions please contact Mrs Newnham via ClassDojo.