Home Page


Acceptable Use Policy

Accessibility Plan - Under Review

Admissions- Fair Access Policy - Under Review

After School Club Policy and Parents Charter - Under Review

Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy - Under Review

Parent Code of Conduct

Art and Design Policy

Assessment, Recording and reporting Policy - Under Review

Attendance Policy - Under Review

Every Day Matters

Bomb Threat Policy and Procedures

Charging and Remissions Policy

Child Protection Policy 2023

Collective Worship Policy - Under Review

Confidentiality Policy

Data Protection Policy - Awaiting Governor Ratification

Data Breach Incident Reporting Policy - Under Review

Design Technology Policy

Drug and Alcohol Education Policy - Awaiting Governor Ratification

Educational Visits Planning and Approval Policy - Under Review

Educating Children with a Parent or Close relative in prison or at risk of a Custodial Sentence

Emergency Plan - Awaiting Governor Ratification

E- Safety (online safety) Policy

SMART Internet rules

Exclusion Policy and Procedures - Under Review

Equality and Inclusion Policy - Awaiting Governor Ratification

First Aid Policy

Freedom of Expression Policy

Geography Policy

Handwriting Policy

History Policy

Home Learning Policy

Home/School Agreement

Intimate Care Policy - Under Review

Managing Medicines in School - Under Review

Marking and Feedback Policy

Models for Maths calculation progression

Missing Child Policy

Mobile Phone Policy

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Policy

Music Policy

PE Policy

Photographs and Images Policy

Positive Handling Policy - Under Review

PSHE Policy

Reading Policy

Recruitment Policy ( Including Safer Recruitment) - Under Review

Remote Learning Policy

Retention Policy - Under Review

School Security Policy

SEND Policy - Awaiting Governor Ratification

SMSC Policy

SMSC at Dover Park - Under Review

IOW Council Smoke Free Policy

Social Media Policy - Under Review

Spelling Policy

Staff Behaviour Policy/Code of conduct

Supporting Pupils with medical conditions in school

Tackling Radicalisation and Extremism Policy

Teaching and Learning Policy - Under Review

Transporting Pupils Policy

Visitors and Speakers Policy

Website Policy

Whistle-blowing/ Protected Disclosures - Awaiting Governor Ratification

Writing Policy
